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Friday, May 24, 2013

Easter Island Head Sculpture Has a Home

Finally, He is completed and my husband was home and able to help me put him in his new home.  Wow!! Talk about Heavy!! Anyway, he looks pretty content in in our front flower bed.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Easter Island Head Cement Sculpture

Okay, I have finally finished My Easter Island Head Cement Sculpture. I am posting all the phases of the project:

Heavy Wire Armature stuffed with newspapers. Overlayed with hardware cloth.

This is the scratch coat before the finish of Concrete

Here he is in the first stages.  I used cement morter type s for this sculpture, The cement was laid over a handmade armature of wire with a layer of hardware cloth that was stuffed with wet newspaper.

 These are photos of him after the final coat of cement smoothed and sculpted.

These are shots of the completed piece. The cement was cured for about a week, then coated with black matte paint, and then coated with a stone texture.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Paracord 550 Survival Bracelets

Fun for the Kiddos.

I ordered some paracord, (some was glow in the dark) some whistle buckles, and got my GK's and we went to town

hmmm! I'll have to edit this post later, can't find the pics of the GK's.

Sound Activated Rave Beats Bra

Here are the updates on the projects I have been working on:
Rave Beats Bra for my Son's Girlfriend Clarissa.  I used a bra that Clarissa provided, got a 4 way splitter so we could use 4 EL Wire colors, Added a Sound Activated battery pack and Voila!! Simply Cool and fun!!

Hmmm! What's been going on!!

Okay, it's been a while, but, I will try and update what's been going on.  I have been working on a few things, survival bracelets, My Son's birthday present, (still not finished) some concrete sculpting, and an Electro-luminescence wire (EL Wire) project.

Anyway, I haven't been able to update my projects, due to my husband's health issues because I was spending most of my time at Methodist Hospital in the Med Center in Houston. (Best Hospital EVER!!) Not to worry, everything is fine, Robert had to have 2 more stents, that  makes 6, so heart is back to working order, hopefully for a long time.  They did find a mass on his pancreas, (benign, thank God) and they discovered that he had Barrett's Esophagus (also in the early stages, just needs to be watched).  Sounds like a lot, and it is, but, we were so fortunate to have found the 2 issues in their earliest stages, so, we are very happy.  Both of these last two problems could have been very, very bad. 

I have to say, there is a reason for everything, and God must be watching over us, because he was having chest pains, so we took him where we always go, Clear Lake Regional Heart Pavillion (we have always been very satisfied with his treatments there and he has had 4 stents placed in his heart there) but, this time, I don't know what was going on, but his Dr. decided to release him and didn't even do an angioplasty to check for blockages, nor did they do certain tests that are routine and should have been done.  So, the day before he was released, I did some research and after many hours of this, decided to get him to a Dr. Raizner, originally, tried to get him in with Dr. Albert Raizner, (listed in Texas Monthly as one of Texas' Super Doctors, but, he was not available at the time, so, I made an appointment with his son, Dr. Michael Raizner, (LOVE, LOVE, LOVE him, He is wonderful, great bedside manner, answers all your questions, explains everything and makes sure you understand it all.) 

We went to see him on a Tuesday, Dr. Raizner didn't waste any time, had Robert admitted immediately, did his CT Scan, saw that he needed 2 stent, but, also found that he had a mass on his pancreas.  Before he did anything, he called in Dr. Schwartz, a gastrointestinal specialist and had him do an UltraSound and a Fine Needle Aspiration on the mass.  So, when he came by to tell us what he had done, he said that he had a couple of surprises and one was that not only did Robert have this mass, but, that he also had Barrett's Esophagus. (google it) He also explained, how lucky we were to have found both if these in such early stages because, most of the time, these conditions go on without any symptoms for years and don't get caught until it is too late.  Robert's Mass, we call it Barnabus, because the Dr. kept showing us this "Dark Shadow", and that it was still contained within the pancreas, "it's box" and had not spread.  We laugh and say "As long as we can keep Barnabus in his coffin, we're good" (Yes we named his mass, I know, it's weird, but, hey, gotta keep your sense of humor)  Anyway, when the Cytology results came back, everything was benign, and we just need to watch it.  So, to make a long story short, we are so very blessed that everything turned out as it did.

We're back home now, and I am back to makin' stuff. So, check back soon with all of my fun projects. In the meantime, Here is one of my projects.
This was too fun. This one was for my son's girlfriend, Clarissa. Gonna make one of these for my Daughter too.

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